For ExpertsFor companies

Turn Your Expertise into Income.

We are a platform that connects industry experts (YOU) with world-class publishers to make their content more helpful and authoritative.

Start getting paid for what you know today.

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Work with companies like
Earn Income From Your Expertise

How Neeato Works

Neeato is a marketplace where you get to connect with publishers looking for true experts in their fields and industries.

Create your account

Start by signing up to create a profile that includes all of the relevant information that helps prove you know your stuff.

Browse job listings from top web publishers

Find the right gig for you with publishers that get millions of pageviews a month.

Choose how you want to contribute

Are you also a skilled writer in addition to being an expert? Spark conversations for writing gigs to start building even more authority with Google.

Stand out from the pack by becoming a featured expert

Upgrade your account to land more jobs as a featured expert so you can show up in more places for publishers.